- Unshared Certainty - At the first stage of teambuilding, the team are no more than a disparate group of individuals without any close links. Their main aim is to look after number one and they do this by seeking personal advantage in any situation. As a result, there is no risk and no teamwork.
- Loose Links - At the second stage of team development, the group start to find reason for working together. They may do this initially because they see some personal advantage for themselves, for example, by working with others whom they like, or with others who have information they need, or who have skills that complement theirs.
- Shared Certainity - A breakthrough in teambuilding is achieved when the group start to share a purpose, mission, or goal which can only be realized by working together. This is nearly always a big goal and one that excites and motivates at an emotional level.
- Team First - At the fourth stage of teambuilding, the group now starts to put the team before themselves. This only happens when they see that they have far more to gain from working together than from working on their own.
- Shared Uncertainity - Once a team sees themselves as a distince, cohesive unit with a huge pool of resources to call on and an exciting goal to strive for, they start to realize that they can achieve far more together than apart.
For additional information see the article in full in the EOE Journal Volume 22. Article is written by: Eric Garner